Would you like some “secret counsel?”

I was reading today in Psalm 25:14 where it says :

“The friendship of the LORD is for those who fear him, and He makes known to them His covenant.”

I found an interesting footnote regarding this verse in my ESV Bible.  It says that the word “friendship” in this verse can also translated “secret counsel.”

It seems that God reveals his “secret counsel” to those who fear God, which would be understanding of reality that is beyond what is commonly held.  We are told in Proverbs that  “Fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.”

Unfortunately, there are far too many people who reject and rebel against our Creator .  Consequently, they will never be able to comprehend, know, and understand His friendship or secret counsel.  They reject even the truth that has been given broadly to all who live. 

These people remain in a state of their false beliefs and assumptions that leads them away from truth and reality. They believe the lies of the devil and the false narratives of man-focused ideologies and philosophies that have their foundation in denying God and the truth that he has revealed to mankind in Scripture.

I desire to know truth.

I want to understand more fully the covenant that God has made with mankind.

I want to be in God’s friendship and know his secret counsel that will guide me to understand  how I could best honor Him.  It is my hope that these are your desires as well.

That’s my trumpet blast for today.

Pat Pearce

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