Personal Thoughts

Election Day Thought

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…brought nothing in — carry nothing out!

Just read a couple of verses that jumped out to me in 1 Timothy 6.
[vs.7] “For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.”
[vs.12] “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called, and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.”

This puts all of life in perspective. We brought nothing into our earthly life and will take nothing out.

We are all eternal beings and will either:
(1) be with God, our Creator, or
(2) exist in the consequence of our rebellion.

The temporal things of Earth (such as wealth, fame, and power) are not worth what God has offered us.

It is my personal desire to fight the good fight of faith and point others to the person of Jesus. He claimed to be God in human form and backed up that claim through His sinless life, painful death, and then — something no ordinary human could ever do — His resurrection.

I confess my faith and trust in Him before anyone who will listen.

This is REAL! Please don’t ignore His offer of a relationship that is personal and forever.

Check out this short article called, “How To Be Sure You Are a Christian.”
Here’s the link:

That’s my “Trumpet Blast” for today.

…brought nothing in — carry nothing out! Read More »

Kinds of Governments.

There are numerous kinds of government in the world.

The United States is a Constitutional Republic.  That is where our leaders are elected to represent us in the decisions of government.

In a Democracy a majority of people make decisions on every issue.  Not very effective because not every individual has all the information to choose wisely on every issue.

Another kind of government is known as an Oligarchy.  This is when a small number of wealthy people are in control behind the scenes; and these powerful and elite few pull the strings of government to their benefit.

In the current Presidential election, notice that the candidate of one party has not received the votes of any citizens.  She has been put on the ballot by powerful and wealthy people without her having received a single vote from the citizens of America.  The Democrat primaries voted for Joes Biden, but a political coup has taken place, and a different candidate was installed then rubber stamped at a staged convention.

I propose that the “Democrat Party” is now a misnomer.  It is no longer promoting democracy in any way.  The party should now be referred to as – the Oligarch Party. 

Tell the truth!

However, when I see the falsehoods that are told about the Republican Party and Donald Trump in this election, it is clear that TRUTH is seldom a strong suit for Democrats!

That’s my Trumpet Blast for today.


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…for such a time as this.

I was reading Mordecai’s instruction to Queen Esther when the plot had been made to annihilate the Jewish people:

“Do not think in your heart that you will escape in this king’s palace any more than all the other Jews. For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise … from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:13-14)

Catch that – “…who knows whether you have come …for such a time as this.”

God sometimes puts specific people in a position to be used to accomplish His will. Esther had become a queen, so she was able to boldly act to save people from an annihilation plotted by an evil man.

I believe our nation is in deep trouble today. I sense we are being sold out in a plot that opposes God and promotes all kinds of sin through a man focused political ideology that seeks to make us submit to human government instead of our Creator God.

This may be God’s judgement on us because we have sinned against God in so many ways. We have opposed God through promotion of all manner of perverted sexual sin and perversion of spiritual truth by denial of Jesus as the Son of God.

Fear of God and dependence on Him is the only solution to man’s true problem. We will never fix man and his actual problem with any political solution.

We are told in Ezekiel 33 that when we see danger approaching there is the necessity to sound a Warning Trumpet.

What we really need is a spiritual awakening in which people recognize the reality of WHO Jesus of Nazareth claimed to be and is. He lived up to His claims and then confirmed His identity as God in human form by His resurrection.

I (like Esther in the passage above) cannot be silent. Perhaps God wants me to say what is on my heart for such a time as this.

I am led to ask if you and I (if you are also a Christ follower) are positioned by God to act — “for such a time as this.” May we be bold and obedient.

I hope for many to be drawn to faith and for all believers to point others to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Please join me in praying what Christ taught us to pray in the Lord’s Prayer: “…deliver us from evil.”

That’s my trumpet blast for today.

Pat Pearce

…for such a time as this. Read More »

Who Jesus Claimed to be…

I read today this verse — John 19: 7.

The Jews answered him, “We have a law, and according to our law he ought to die, because he made himself the Son of God.”

Jesus had been turned over to Pilot with a request to crucify Him. Pilot prefers not to execute Jesus, but the Jewish religious leaders deny His Deity and fail to recognize that He is the fulfillment of the prophecies about the Christ and do not know who Jesus is. They saw Jesus as a threat to their authority and power.

They understand completely the claim of Jesus that He is God in human form. But they reject all that Jesus has revealed in His years of public ministry and now seek His death.

But reality is that Jesus is God. He is fully God and fully man.
Jesus is the Creator of all that exists — both physical and spiritual.
There are two realities:
(1) the Creator and
(2) His Creation.

Every person much decide in this life to:
(1) receive Him as Lord and Savior or
(2) reject the truth.

I have received Jesus and hope to point others to Him.
The question, “Who is this Jesus?” is the most important question that every person must answer.

It is my hope that anyone who sees this will choose wisely.

That’s my “Trumpet Blast” for today.
Pat Pearce

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The Warning Trumpet

Let me share something has been really pressing on me.  I sense the need to “sound the warning trumpet” in the spirit of Ezekiel 33.  This passage of scripture is where God gives the command to watch and warn people of approaching danger.

Let me show you these verses.

The word of the LORD came to me:

“Son of man, speak to your people and say to them, “If I bring the sword upon a land, and the people of the land take a man from among them, and make him their watchmen, and if he sees the sword coming upon the land and blows the trumpet and warns the people, then if anyone who hears the sound of the trumpet does not take warning, and the sword comes and takes him away, his blood shall be upon his own head. He heard the sound of the trumpet and did not take warning; his blood shall be upon himself. But if he had taken warning, he would have saved his life.  But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, so that the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any one of them, that person is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at the watchman’s hand.

Ezekiel 33: 1-6 ESV

In reading this I am impressed that when I see danger approaching — I must sound the Warning Trumpet.

As a follower of Christ I am not to keep silent.  It is our responsibility to proclaim truth to others around us in the midst of all the false messages in our culture today and warn people of the false narratives they face.

I recognize my responsibility to warn people of two dangers.

First, the danger of rejecting and not receiving Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Why is this a danger?  Because rejection of what God offers people will result not only in loss of meaning, purpose, and peace in our present life on earth, but also the loss one will experience who rejects God through the horrible existence of eternal separation and torment that awaits in a literal place called Hell.  I don’t want that for anyone. 

I hope to point people to the truth and reality of who Jesus is and what He offers.  I know that people will not be moved through my ability or lack of ability to convince anyone of this truth.  I only share what I have discovered personally and leave it to God to draw and open the understanding of those who will come.  That is my role – to share and leave the results to Him.  Our Creator will draw some to Himself and give them the faith to believe.

As I read this passage, I realize I must be obedient and do what God is placing on my heart to do.  He is the Sovereign God and Creator of all that exists.  

My life has been radically changed by Jesus and I just want others to discover this, too.  Remember what Jesus said of Himself in John 14:6.  He tells us, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

The second danger about which I need to sound the “warning trumpet” lies within the promotion of certain ideologies that work to mislead our nation and the entire world.

So many people are being misled by some “man-focused” ideologies that reject God with false narratives.  These include:

  • Humanism,
  • Progressivism,
  • Socialism, and
  • Marxism.

Why are these such a great danger?  Because these ideologies reject God and promote a lie that man is not sinful but but suffers because of things outside of himself.  If those external issues were removed society would be corrected and mankind would live in harmony together.  An ideal society could be created and man can be perfected through his own efforts 

These ideologies deny the sin problem shared by all mankind and instead point to injustices outside of man to try to fix.  They claim man’s problem is in a system, or an inequality in wealth, education, skin color, or some power structure.   If that external problem could be fixed, the world would have good people living in a perfected Utopian society.

This denial of man’s basic nature is open confrontation with God’s message to mankind.  These are man-focused ideologies that have people look to big government as their provider rather than to our Creator.

These ideologies do not lead people to truth and fear of the Lord but are ideologies built on false assumptions that manipulate people toward belief systems that are flawed all the way down to their very foundation.

A belief system built on these false assumptions cannot lead anyone to truth no matter how strong their convictions. 

Since God created everything that exists, doesn’t it make sense that He knows better than anyone how things work and why. That means He will always be the smartest person in the room. He offers us wisdom and discernment if we ask and seek it through Him.  Shouldn’t we look at what the Creator Himself has revealed to be true rather than be misled by atheist philosophers and pursue their proposed solutions?

To build our belief system on the ideologies that are constructed on a foundation of opinions of people who have rejected God and comprehend only men’s limited perception of reality will only lead to misunderstanding of  the true problems of mankind.  If we lack a correct understanding of the real problem, we will always pursue wrong solutions.

That is the fatal flaw of these man-focused ideologies that are being promoted in our culture today.

Reality is —

  • God is the issue.
  • God is the answer.
  • God offers the only true solution to the problems that the world faces.

If we reject our Creator God and the solutions He offers, we will never find the right answers.

The “…fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” (Proverbs 1: 7).

That is why I registered the URL www.WarningTrumpet.comYou are invited to browse around.  This is where I post things I think are important.   If you want to hear more “trumpet blasts” opt in to receive my Warning Trumpet emails. 

Desiring to be obedient to sound the Warning Trumpet is also why I am working with an organization — Assumptions Institute — that equips Christ followers to discern truth and reality for themselves so they can flourish in their faith and engage the culture to influence others for Christ. 

Check out the web site at

How anyone responds to these “trumpet blasts” is not my responsibility — everyone must choose their own course of action.  They may act or choose to ignore.

Regardless of how these “trumpet blasts” may be received, I must be obedient and sound the trumpet. It is my hope that some people will take the warning, place their faith in Jesus Christ, discern what is real and true among the messages in our culture, and save their life.

That’s my “trumpet blast” for today.

Pat Pearce

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