Kinds of Governments.

There are numerous kinds of government in the world.

The United States is a Constitutional Republic.  That is where our leaders are elected to represent us in the decisions of government.

In a Democracy a majority of people make decisions on every issue.  Not very effective because not every individual has all the information to choose wisely on every issue.

Another kind of government is known as an Oligarchy.  This is when a small number of wealthy people are in control behind the scenes; and these powerful and elite few pull the strings of government to their benefit.

In the current Presidential election, notice that the candidate of one party has not received the votes of any citizens.  She has been put on the ballot by powerful and wealthy people without her having received a single vote from the citizens of America.  The Democrat primaries voted for Joes Biden, but a political coup has taken place, and a different candidate was installed then rubber stamped at a staged convention.

I propose that the “Democrat Party” is now a misnomer.  It is no longer promoting democracy in any way.  The party should now be referred to as – the Oligarch Party. 

Tell the truth!

However, when I see the falsehoods that are told about the Republican Party and Donald Trump in this election, it is clear that TRUTH is seldom a strong suit for Democrats!

That’s my Trumpet Blast for today.


Kinds of Governments. Read More »